Certified Smoke Alarm Carbon Monoxide And Portable Fire Extinguisher Check
Schedule Your Inspection Here
Residential Resale Requirements for One & Two Family Dwellings and R-2 Occupancies
CSACMAPFEC 5:70-2.3 (a)
Requests must be submitted 3 to 4 weeks prior to the settlement date. For questions and to set an appointment call
Inspection Fee/Payment
Check or money order payable to the “Westampton Township Emergency Services Bureau of Fire Prevention” is due at the time of inspection.
Requests received fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the settlement date: $70.00
Requests received thirteen (13) calendar days or less prior to the settlement date: $140.00
Requests received four (4) calendar days or less prior to the settlement date: $165.00
Re-inspection Fee: $70.00
Certificates are valid for 90 days
Inspection Checklist
House Numbers
Numbers are numerical characters, contrasting color from the house, at least 4” high, permanently affixed to the house & visible from the street. Light post or mailbox numbers are NOT acceptable.
Smoke Alarms
Smoke alarm located on every level of dwelling
Basement level alarm is located at bottom of stairwell, at ceiling level (not between joists)
Smoke Alarms located in hallway's for the bedrooms MUST be within 10 feet of ALL bedroom doors
Smoke alarms must be installed on the ceiling in each bedroom if the home was built after 1991
*Electric smoke alarms (hardwired) CANNOT be replaced with battery operated alarms
Smoke alarms are less than 10 years old and are operational
Battery operated Smoke alarms are of the ten-year sealed battery type
Any house equipped with a low voltage fire alarm system (installed by an alarm company) must have that system tested and approved by an alarm contractor prior to the WTES inspection date. A copy of the alarm certification provided by the alarm contractor must be presented to the WTES inspector at the time of the inspection.
Electric smoke alarms, required to be installed by the building code, cannot be replaced with battery operated smoke alarms (NJAC 5:70 Section 104.1)
Do NOT install smoke alarms in kitchens, bathrooms, near forced air ducts or furnaces,
in the “dead air” space where the ceiling meets the wall, close to ceiling fans, in crawl spaces, or attics.
Carbon Monoxide Alarms
Located in the hallway, within 10 feet of ALL bedrooms
Installed as per the manufacturer’s instructions
Carbon monoxide alarm(s) are less than 10 years old and are operational
Do NOT place alarms in electrical outlets that can be turned off by a switch or that are located against floor molding. Plug-in, battery powered and hardwired CO alarms are acceptable.
Fire Extinguishers
Fire Extinguisher Installation 5:70-4.19 (e)
Shall be within 10 feet of the kitchen and located in the path of egress
Readily accessible and not obstructed from view
MOUNTED on bracket
Minimum rating 2A-10B:C under 10 pounds
