WTES C.A.R.E.S. (Communities Able to Recognize Emergency Situations)
What is C.A.R.E.S?
With the goal of promoting the fire prevention and life safety of our community and public at large; The Westampton Township Emergency Services has undertaken numerous initiatives to better prepare its citizens to recognize and respond to a variety of situations. C.A.R.E.S is an exciting new way for the WTES to educate our communities as a whole. The C.A.R.E.S. acronym stands for Communities Able To Recognize Emergency Situations.
If you have a question or request please contact Fire and Life Safety Education Officer David Shaw by phone at (609) 529-3717 or by email.
Our goal is that all of our residents from pre-school children to senior citizens, from the small business to the large corporation learn the proper action to take when a sudden emergency occurs. We have a number of programs and tools to accomplish this goal. The “C” in C.A.R.E.S. can be divided into three groups:
The first group is our Children. This is our largest group and potentially where we can have the most impact. Teaching children and students how to avoid dangerous situations through lectures, presentations, hands on activities and technology. We visit homes, daycares, public and private schools throughout the year. A few of our programs include:
– Stop, Drop & Roll
– Exit Drills In The Home
– Firefighters Are Our Friends
– Career Fairs
– Fire Prevention Week Activities
– Fire Prevention & Life Safety Open House
The second group is our Communities. We are committed that not one more resident in on our community suffers a fire injury or death due to lack of knowledge or preparation. Our programs include:
– Free Home Inspections
– Smoke/CO Detector Battery Changes/Installations
– Child Passenger Safety Seat Inspections
– Birthday Parties
– Block Parties
The third and final group is our Corporations and Businesses (both big and small). They each play a big large part in the make up of Westampton Township. We work with local business to ensure workplace safety. We do this through the following problems:
– CPR Training
– First Aid Training
– Fire Extinguisher Training
– Exit Drill Planning
– Safety Walkthroughs
– Facility Preplans
– Fire Inspections (Fire Marshal’s Office)
